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Past 24hrs Weather Conditions

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Weather Data

Air temp. Place mouse over image for dewpoint temp
Temperature and Dewpoint Temperatures

Relative humidity of air
Outside Humidity History

Temperature of short grass (to nearest 1°F = 0.6°C)

Grass Temperature

10cm depth soil temperature (to nearest 1°F = 0.6°C)

Place mouse over image for 30cm depth soil temp
10cm and 30cm Depth Soil Temperatures

Mean sea level pressure

Barometer History

UV Index (0-2 = low, 3-5 = medium, 6-7 = high,
8-10 = very high, 11+ = extreme)

UV Index

Total precipitation to nearest 0.2mm

Rainfall History

Rate of rainfall

Rainfall Rate

Leaf wetness (due to dew, fog, drizzle, rain etc)
(0=dry to 15=wet)

Leaf Wetness History

10cm depth soil moisture (0-10 = saturated, 10-30 = wet, 30-100 = needs irrigating, 100-200 = dry to bone dry)

10cm Depth Soil Moisture

Wind direction (see note below)

Wind Direction History

Gust speed.
Place mouse over image for mean speed
Wind Speed and Gust Speed

All times shown on this page are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), so +1 hour for British Summer Time (BST). Graphs above show weather conditions recorded by a Davis Vantage Pro 2 automatic weather station sited in Teignmouth, South Devon and are usually updated every 10 minutes. Note that the anemometer is just 2.2m above ground level in a NNW/SSE oriented valley. As a result the wind direction is heavily biased towards either the up and down valley directions and the anemometer is very sheltered from the prevailing westerly flow by higher ground directly upstream.  


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